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A mesmerizing throwback to the good old days of Metallica, Megadeth, Testament & Exodus debut albums!

PRC MUSIC’s love affair with COSTA RICA is a relatively known fact, so is the label leaning towards the good old sound of the classic US/Teutonic thrash metal… and when HÖWLER showed up on the radar… it was an easy ‘locked and loaded’. PRC MUSIC is releasing the band’s second NEVER officially distributed album ‘Fallen but Not Forgotten’ on CD worldwide this late fall.

So, another thrash band huh? We understand there is a lot of bands out there just surfing the new thrashy metal wave buth this central American band’s been crafting its music for years and it shows if you carefully listen to this masterpiece at hand. Drawing influences from the good old mid 80’s US thrash movement and early works from bands such as METALLICA, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT and EXODUS, the Costa Rican 5 pieces is still making it relevent, building their own sound upon the foundation based on the classics that are ‘Kill ’em all’, ‘Ride The Lightening’, ‘Peace Sells…’, ‘The New Order’ and ‘Bounded by Blood’ today.

If you are craving for something a tad more musical, intricate and technical, this album will give you a run for your money! Goose bumps are guaranteed after the first listening! Crazy riffs are all over the place and both guitarists are at the top of their game! If you like good old soloing, monstrous crafty bass parts and great drum fills, you will definitely enjoy the band’s crushing arrangements… and yeah, the singer is up to par with the rest of the band… owning it.

The production is fucking impressive and this brand new mastering is making the whole album sounds like a million bucks… high class crytal clear production.

‘Fallen but Not Forgotten’ is a masterpiece of classic thrash metal… IMPRESSIVE!