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Wasting no time continuing their attack, Expunged return with their first full-length, Into Never Shall. Now featuring A.K. on drums, the band have thankfully made no great changes to their juggernaut sound – exquisitely filthy, utterly crushing, immediately memorable, the inexorable onslaught of a monolithic, rust-covered tank – and Into Never Shall is all the better for it. If anything, Expunged have upped the catchiness here whilst not once softening that molten crush. Similarly, while the grime of Expunged still courses through the album’s viscous veins, there’s a decidedly darker atmosphere being conjured across Into Never Shall, vividly matched by the gorgeously moody cover artwork courtesy of French fantasy novel painter Normand Didier. Above all, this debut album underlines Expunged’s commitment to death metal classicism, reverent but never regressionist, and displays the power-trio’s own take on it. Which is all to say nothing of yet another CRUSHING production courtesy of Top Das (Fuck The Facts) at his Apartment Two Studio.

If the tank crush of Expunged somehow missed you last year, there’s simply no way to avoid the onslaught of Expunged’s Into Never Shall. Absolutely mandatory for maniacs of Nirvana 2002, Carnage, and especially Bolt Thrower!

SKU: FHR-030