Vengeful 187 is an international Beatdown/Hardcore project formed in 2017, featuring members residing in the US and Norway. The project features Mats Funderud on strings & vocals (Kraanium, Dragging Entrails) as well as Justin McNeil on drums (Existential Dissipation, Murdered), and finally rounding out the lineup is Ryan English on Vocals (Flesh Marauder, Ex-Decaying Scriptures), who joined the project in 2019.
Vengeful 187 combines old school beatdown with a new school flair, trying to breathe new life into a seldom appreciated part of hardcore history. They’re influenced by groups like Death Before Dishonor, One Second Thought, Born from Pain, Down to nothing, and others.
Vengeful 187 released their debut full length War Neurosis in 2021 on CDN records.