We’re offering our first coupon code of the year exclusively through our mailing list, so click through to sign up.

We’re offering our first coupon code of the year exclusively through our mailing list, so click through to sign up.
Let’s end the decade right with 70% off CDs until the new year. Use coupon code END19 in the cart or checkout page to get 70% off items tagged CD, Digi Pak CD, CD-EP and CD-R. Click inside for exceptions.
Use the coupon code 3TS412 when you add 3 or more t-shirts from the clearance sale into your cart! That’s an extra Canadian dollar off each shirt. Click inside for more details.
Grab a $5 shirt or hat, or $10 shorts, on sale all weekend long. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Head over to the Black Friday Sale page for the full list of sale items.