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Category: Label: Genre:


Release Date: April 14, 2009

1. The Great Depression
2. Warbound
3. Sanctuary Of The Wretched
4. The Scourging Impurity
5. The Dead World
6. I
7. Contempary Perception Narcotics
8. Dessicate Earth
9. The Infliction Of Tophet
10. Disfigured Anonymity
11. Terminus

Every scene needs its leaders and pace-setters, and the new wave of British death metal is no different. While the majority of new bands vying for the attention of old and new school fans alike chase their tails, trying to hitch a lift on the latest bandwagon after remembering to visit Toni & Guy first, of course the task of producing genuinely epoch-shattering and heart-stoppingly brutal metal of peerless quality has been taken on by five young men from the quiet city of Bath. Taking a bloody sledgehammer to your preconceptions, Trigger The Bloodshed are, quite simply, the future of death metal.

SKU: 47172