
Cover art for Mouth Shattering Slamtist Purgery

Gingivectomy – Mouth Shattering Slamtist Purgery

CDs • Brutal Death Metal / Death Metal

OUT NOW • Experimental Teethgrinding Slam from Germany! With Larry Wang and members of Blastocystia.


Gingivectomy consists of members of Blastocystia and Larry Wang (Gorepot, Perverse Imagery, et al.). With a blend of Grindcore, Slam and Slamming Deathcore, the result is a dynamic sound spectrum. Reaching from typical slam chugs to melodic intersections and technical breakdowns, the band has coined the genres “Experimental Teethgrinding Slam” and “Slamming Teethcore”.

The band debuted their first single, NECROTIC PULP F(R)ICTION, at the end of 2021 in anticipation of their first album, Mouth Shattering Slamtist Purgery, set for release on September 30th, 2022 on CDN Records.

Gingivectomy promo collage

The Members of Gingivectomy

Vocals: Dr. METHscalation
Vocals: Dr. PingPong
Guitars, Drum Programming, Vocals: Dr. Cariousz
Bass: Dr. Teethmeat

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