Get ready for yet another pummeling of Blackened Thrash, Death Metal & Crust… SACCAGE is back with a brand new full length album on PRC MUSIC! More beer drenched crust hymns, more debauchery of every possible kind awaits on the very first note “Récidive” have to offer… best album yet? Of course! SACCAGE is getting better and better with every album, more obnoxious and even more in your face then ever before, which is always a plus in their case! But at the end of the day, its the music that counts and yet again the quartet from Québec delivers the goods with the subtilty of a machete crushing your forehead… From the first note of the intro aptly named “Introveineuse” to the closer “Pourceau (de Satan)”, the new album is a whirlwind of demented Metal praising the good life and the horned one with the mighty riff… Their ability for writing “slam pit hits” is intact and “Orgasmaniaque” and “Ta derniere gorgée” are just a few of the highlights of this well balanced (between craziness and over the top skull fracturing nightmare!) album. Yet again the vocals delivery is as gentle as a rusty nail nailed to your temple, and as usual you will love it. The production is also PERFECT for this type of gritty face pummeling, thanks in part to Joel Grind for his mastering abilities. The album cover is pure SACCAGE and just fucking awesome… If you’re already a fan, fear not and buy now, this is your 2017 album… and if you’re not, you despise the band, his message and music, well, you will hate yourself loving it so fucking much