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Continuation of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses album for sale by Postcoital Ulceration was released Aug 12, 2014 on the Ghastly label. Flawless production, and effortless musicianship, belting out a crushing sound that is similar to caving your cranium in. Continuation of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses buy CD music Overwhelming heaviness that will invoke new levels of rage. Continuation of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses songs Pushing and exceeding the boundaries of pathetic human understanding, Postcoital Ulceration pummel the unsuspecting listener with blistering, enigmatical, uncharted levels of absolutely crushing brutality. Continuation of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses album for sale Lyricist: Andrey Alogrin. Recording information: Home Studio (05/2013-07/2013). Continuation of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses CD music contains a single disc with 10 songs.

SKU: GM012