$11.00 CAD

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What we have here is an over the top offensive slab of death slam.
Limited Edition Cassette. Only 100 pressed.

1. Slam Before Time 01:30
2. Masturbating In Menstrual Fluids ft. Martin Funderud of Kraanium 01:32
3. Prolapsing Paediatrician 01:15
4. Bukkake Saurus Rex ft. Chris Butterworth of Crepitation 01:39
5. Vaginal Parasite From a Durty Hermaphrodite 01:29
6. Cries Of The Chronic Masturbator ft. Anthony Davis of Chokehold 01:39
7. Oral Shalibang In The Morning ft. Duncan Bentley of Vulvodynia 01:49
8. Unquenched Lust For 10 Year Old Butts ft. Franz Stockreiter of VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC 01:31
9. 2 In The Pink And A Fist In The Stink (Bonus Track) 01:43