$12.00 CAD

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KREMLIN plays massive, bone-grinding old-school death metal (with a particular weakness for the Swedish school). A three-man war machine from Canada featuring past/present members of Infernäl Mäjesty, Outre-Tombe, Paladin and Survival Instinct, but although a trio they may be, they sound like an army of 300. While the music on this new album draws from more than one school of death, the massive, thoroughly corrosive HM-2 tone of the riffing certainly locks arms with that infernally blessed Swedish school. But the songs are also shot through with bursts of vicious, seething frenzy. And while the music is rhythmically dynamic, with sharp twists and turns in the drum rhythms and tempos, this is mainly a fast and stunningly furious assault — relentlessly savage, persistently poisonous, and as destructive as a phalanx of demonic demolition machines.

Old school Death Metal featuring ex & current members from Infernal Majesty, Outre Tombe, Paladin and Survival Instinct

SKU: PRC-123