After spending the last few years playing in places as far away as the Czech republic, England, Japan and New Zealand as well as hangin’ out backstage with the likes of METALLICA, THE DARKNESS, NAPALM DEATH, DANZING, SLAYER and many, many more, BLOOD DUSTER the corporate dynamo is back, bigger and more completely fuck off badder than ever!!! In late 2006 the band started recording what was to become a 3 CD set. Two discs to be sold in one package, with the third to be downloaded from the bands website via a access code on the purchased CD. The download comes with exclusive demos from the album and a special fan video only available via a password on the bands very popular “Hippie Kill Team” members site.
The album is titled “Lyden Na” and when translated from Norwegian means “The Now Sound”. This was done in homage to all the great Norwegian “Black metal” bands.
Lyden Na (or The Now Sound) features such glorious tracks as “ThreeOhhSevenOhh” a song dealing with the decline of the Northcote dole culture and the current pro Northcote art student mentality, “ILoveThePills” features a guest apperance by Darryl Cotton from 70s rock band ZOOT who was also the host of the early bird show with Marty Monster, “TheNightTheyBurntOldEmoDown” a country song, waxes lyrical on the joys of burning down a venue full of emo kids.