Ordering Online
We accept most credit cards and debit cards thanks to our payment systems powered by Stripe and PayPal. You do not need to create an account with either of them to make a payment. If you choose to create a PayPal account, you can make direct withdrawals from your checking account.
Customers outside of Canada may benefit from slightly better exchange rates when using a payment option other than PayPal.
All prices displayed on the site, and all purchases, are in Canadian dollars. If you’re ordering outside of Canada, our payment systems will handle the exchange for you. We recommend using a payment option other than PayPal, as they tend to give better exchange rates (thanks to being powered by Stripe).
We do not store or even see your credit card information. All that information is handled in secret tokens passed to either Stripe or PayPal – the leading online payment providers in the world. Your information is safe with them.
Due to the nature of our business, we stock a lot of titles in very small quantities. Since we sell our products online and offline, direct from our office and at local concert venues and festivals, it is sometimes possible that our inventory does not get updated at the moment of an offline sale.
If this happens and you pay for an item that is actually out of stock and we can no longer get more copies, then we will give you the option to replace that item with something else or we will give you credit towards your next purchase. Usually, when this happens, we try to make good by throwing in some freebies and extra goodies.
Sorry! Buyer beware. If you buy a CD with a dead chick’s guts spewing out and her anus blown to shreds on the cover, then you shouldn’t expect us to give a refund because you didn’t like it after all. We are trying to provide streaming audio samples for all of the releases that we put out under our name, but to curate samples for every other release on the site would be a full-time job. Go to Google to find streaming links.
Sorry! You purchased a physical item. Nowhere on our site do we ever promise a digital download with your purchase. We strictly deal in physical media, for collectors of physical media. Bands under our label are free to provide, and profit from, streams and digital downloads on their own. Go check out their links under their artist profiles to find streams and downloads.
We ship worldwide using Canada Post. We know their system and have our shipping methods and rates with them down to a science. We don’t plan to fix what isn’t broken.
- We do not ship the jewel cases with CDs and DVDs outside of Canada and The United States! This saves you a lot of money.
- If you have a special request, like adding jewel cases, please contact us first before completing your order.
- We only ship 12″ Vinyl LPs within Canada and the United States.
- We only ship large items such as hoodies, long-sleeve shirts and magazines within Canada and The United States.
- Unfortunately we can’t offer Letter Rate shipping outside of Canada because the items will be rejected at the border unless they are actual letters or documents.
As of January 2025, here is how our shipping charges break down. These rates are the same to anywhere in Canada, vinyls excluded – they do not fit into prepaid boxes:
1 CD / 1-2 Tapes | $4.50 |
2 CDs / 3 Tapes | $6.00 |
3 CDs / 4 Tapes | $7.00 |
4 CDs / 5 Tapes | $8.00 |
Above 400g, up to 1kg | $18.00 |
Above 1kg, up to 1.2kg | $20.00 |
Shipping to Ontario and Quebec will remain around $20 up to 1.5kg. Higher weights and oversized items get different pricing based on the destination.
Shipments to the States start at just under $7 USD for the first two CDs, then there is a jump for 3-5 CDs, and another jump at the 6 CD mark.
From there the postal service adds on a few bucks for each of the next 5 CDs (500g) added to your order. Finally, there is another price jump at the 2kg (20 CDs) mark.
Fortunately, the rates are the same no matter where in the continental United States you are located.
Orders outside of Canada and the USA have the same rates, no matter which country you are in. Keep in mind that we do not ship jewel cases for international orders and instead use sleeves. This cuts down the price of shipping by about half!
• Parcels start at $12.50 CAD with a small bump in price for every 200g or 4 CDs.
• There is a price jump above 400g (more than 8 CDs), which allows up to 1kg or 20 CDs.
• After that, there is a large jump in price, and then significant jumps at 2kg and 3kg respectively.
We ship by air so you don’t have to wait months for your order!
Yes, unless we are only a few days away from the official release date. We currently don’t have a way to split your orders between pre-orders and items which are available right away. Maybe some day we will be able to program in that functionality. For now we will set aside your order items and ship them out as soon as possible.
Registered users can log into My Account and view all the details of every order they have made since signing up for the account. If you placed an order as a guest, we will automatically send you an email notification to the email address you provided, letting you know when the order status has been changed. A status of “Completed” means your order is out the door at the earliest possible moment.
If an order is showing as not shipped and it has been more than a week, please contact us right away. We try very hard to mail all our shipments within 48-72 hours after purchase.
This is something that we just cannot give an exact answer to. Obviously, a shipment within Canada will take less time than it would if we are shipping to Germany or Australia.
We are located in Southern Ontario, so orders to the far edges of Canada will take several days. Canada Post does not work on weekends, so if you place an order on Friday, be prepared to wait a couple of extra days. Things are usually delayed around the holiday season, so take that into consideration before sending us another email.
Whenever shipping outside of Canada, you should always allow for delays due to customs and other things of that nature.
We are not responsible for damage to items while in the mail, especially jewel cases; they are fragile and easily damaged. If this ever happens, just steal the jewel cases from your brother’s Motley Crue collection. If you wish to purchase insurance for your package, please contact us beforehand and we will make the arrangements.
Usually we are pretty good about not fucking up our customers’ orders. But we are human and some day it could happen. If it does and your package is missing an item, please contact us right away. Our inventory counts will usually reveal our fuck-up.
Trading With Us
If you have a label and product you would like to trade, please contact us using the contact form (select Selling or Trading With Us). Please provide us with a list of your titles, their genres, and a link to somewhere on the web where we can check out your stuff.
Yes! We are always willing to help out bands who have released their own CD and are working hard to make it happen. Typically, we would require 5 -10 copies up front of your release. Upon sale of them, we would pay you at a set price that we would negotiate with you prior. If all copies sell, we would then proceed to purchase more outright/direct from you. We cannot afford to buy CDs from every band up front, until we know that we can sell some copies first. Please contact us using the contact form (select Selling or Trading With Us).
Our Label
CDN Records started its onslaught back in 1990 from a bedroom, trading demos with other music fans and demo traders around the world. Originally, the label was named Civilian Death Network, but was forced to change its name due to the global political climate. Still operating from a home office, CDN Records is regularly stocking around 1500 titles under the distro. As an independent label, we have over 200 releases and co-releases to our name.
CDN Records is proud to be in the ranks of one of Canada’s longest running extreme music labels. You can rest assured that much more brutality and sickness awaits!
The easiest method is to go to our contact page and fill in the contact form (select Demo Submission). Provide us with a brief description of your stuff and a link to somewhere on the web where we can take a listen.
Please note that we have strong spam filters on our site, so demo submissions sometimes get rejected automatically or go directly to our spam folder. With the subject matter that our genres deal in, it happens often. We apologize if it seems like you have been ignored.
We do listen to everything that gets through, and we do sign bands from their demo alone, but it helps if you are playing steady and drawing a crowd. Check out our shop for the types of genres that our customers are looking for.