“Visceral, unrelenting barbarity”

A notion which encompasses the direction that is Existential Dissipation, in it’s most brutal yet primitive state.

After a year of tidal shifts between determining the nature of our sound and production direction, we’re proud to finally unleash Cesspool of Remnants. Thanks for supporting the band with your purchase. On this page you can find the album lyrics accompanied by some behind-the-scenes shots, and grab a wallpaper of the ExD emblem or the album artwork for your phone or desktop 🤘




  1. Constrained Defilement
  2. Cadaverous Agony (Feat. Geoff Geoffries of Vesication)
  3. Sediment Infestation
  4. Parasitic Sustenance (Feat. Mike Majewski of ex-Devourment, ex-Kill Everything)
  5. Execrable Evisceration
  6. Damnatio Ad Bestia
  7. Abhorrent Deliquesce (Feat. Larry Wang of Corprocephalic, Fatuous Rump, Gorepot)
  8. Cesspool of Remnants
  9. Horrors from the… (Feat. Konnor Butler of Abuse)

Constrained Defilement

Night out on the town
Drinking partying having fun
Doing drugs Hallucinogens
Your mind starts to fade
Blacking out Insensible
Bring forth the onslaught

All alone
in the dark
About to become
my next victim
of Defilement.

Captured Unconscious
Thrown into my van
Taking to a distant site
The forth caught tonight
Becoming so exhilarated
Hung up in my basement
Bind, bound, and Gagged
Your legs are spread open
I begin to start my procedure (hold growl)

9 months
of captivity
9 months
forced to breed
used and abused
Tattered and bruised
This is just the beginning
of your declining existence

Taking out back
Tied up and contorted
Used and abused
Tattered and bruised

Slowing towards your demise

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Cadaverous Agony

Silk smooth skin now begins to slit
hammering through bone with every hit

No one can hear your pleas for help

Metal meets flesh rope twisted around the neck
Screams become faint gasping for a breath

Abducted and left to suffer
in the middle nowhere
no one will discover
now becoming natures slut
with tightening of the knot
the more you move
the faster you’ll rot
Closer to death

Cadaverous Agony
Closer To Death
Cadaverous Agony

Days gone by no sign of help
your flesh begins to peel and melt
nature is becoming one with you
veins and twigs entwine your body
blood starts trickle into the water
as the scavengers smell the scent(x2)

Piranhas gather in predatory shoals
smelling the scent of vital fluid
tearing away at the legs
they are striped away in seconds
as your body goes in shock
you go limp and become lifeless
only the torso remains

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Sediment Infestation


Weeks pass by
Body Liquefies
Dripping off the bone
Faceless unknown

Mass Putrefaction
Covered In Flies
Morbid Desecration
Atrocious Demise


Simmering for weeks
Boiling into repulsive slush

Chunks of decay
begin to split and welt
the rancid burning meat
Cadaverous body melts(X2)

Enough skin left
Muscle and bone
Upper torso remains
for the parasites to infest

Chunks of decay
begin to split and welt
the rancid burning meat
Cadaverous body melts

Enough skin left
Muscle and bone
Upper torso remains
for the parasites to infest(x2)

Simmering for weeks
Boiling into repulsive slush

Mass Putrefaction
Covered In Flies
Morbid Desecration
Atrocious Demise

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Parasitic Sustenance

Your waterlogged corpse tied up and contorted
your bodily structure has become bloated

The smell of rot
As the parasites infest

Skin starts to welt
as the vermin creates their nest

Parasitic organisms spread through the body
as it becomes their new host
infecting your blood and Clogging the veins
as vital organs begin to cease

Defenseless – Writhing

Mortify – Convulsions

Parasites begin to infest
eating you from the inside out
infecting your blood and Clogging the veins
as vital organs begin to cease up


If you wont die from infection
you’ll die from the agony
Parasitic Sustenance
Spreads throughout

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Execrable Evisceration

Tearing at your withered skin
Eaten at piece by piece
Maggot infested bloated carcass
My finest masterpiece

Entrails hanging from the carcass
scavengers begin to feast
Execrable Evisceration
Disembowel the meek

Intestines ripped out
Vicious attack
Blood soaked waters
Mangled Anatomy
lured into putridity

Form becomes hollow
Nothing left but bone
Vultures begin to circle
Devouring whats left
Reduced to Human waste
Excreting the flesh

Mangled Anatomy
lured into putridity

Nothing left but bone and muscle
Reduced to Human waste
Execrable Evisceration
Disembowel the meek

Lyrics Directory

Abhorrent Deliquesce

Embedding the imagery felt
Brought to fruition Natures gilded dose
time-lapse to non existence
Splattered with suffrage..

(Larry & Bob)
Morbidity calming,
streams of human macerate are my mind’s trophies.
Traditions compel my realities..
tendons controlled by the rivers …
Current, Selectively chosen..
hacked into Fragmented design.
My cultured ways depending on no evidence…

The bait pile procured and replenished.
Cycles the ruins…
Consumed the essence I leave behind..
unraveling Sufficed.. collapsing reason
Engulfed sadistic results.

Blood-soaked recreations

my nerves still don’t break thriving on the effects of bludgeoned Flesh ..
Intoxicating mental stimulations.
Blood-soaked recreations.
Uniquely perishing the rituals..
Habitual tendencies comfort my desires.

As finalize stages cauterize the signs of struggles..
the floss stitches failed attempts of surviving my equation.
Variables interposed and interrupted death

The bait pile procured and replenished.
Cycles the ruins…
Consumed the essence I leave behind.

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Horrors from the…

The bloodbath will not stop
My forever growing lust for death
Always Becoming sexually aroused
Over hearing their last breath

A subtle defeat when lungs no longer breathe..
cardiac rhythms dissolve and commenced
exsanguinated Severed down to each limb
Salvageable molars grounds dusted in vein


Vile stacked extremities
wrapped in cellophane..
Tender remains contorted
plexus to a garbage bag..
Nurturing these elements..
Never doubting the practiced prescription
I’ve induced upon those
Smorgasmorgue of accomplishments.
memorizing lasting moments of each soul..

Duct tape stretched..
nodded to a wretched canvas…
The mass Suspended..
Bound and gagged without faith.
allowed only now to plead
as my a centerpiece
of greed drips life for me..
Continuing excursion.
Diligently scattered corpses decompose ..

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CDN Records
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